Sunday, 30 July 2017

About To Binky

"Are you watching? 'Cos this next lap is going to be the fastest and bounciest you have ever seen..."

Sunday, 23 July 2017

Taxi For Two

"Bobbit! Stop nomming and shift your butt, our taxi is here!"

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Snuggles and Treats

After the sad passing of Sprat and Torvill this year at the RRR, their former partners have found each other. They have a lot in common and seem to get on about as well as two bunnies can, which is great news. Of course, that does mean double-adorability-snack-muggings...

"We wouldn't want you to needlessly carry that heavy tub of treats around all afternoon...and lucky for you we have a solution!"

Wednesday, 19 July 2017

The Strawberry-Filled Banana Donut

Anouska is on pain pills this week to see if it helps her move better. The vet suggested syringing them into her mouth mixed with mushy food, but my attempts at that failed dramatically

Now, she loves fruit, especially bananas and strawberries. So for the last few days I have been pushing the pills into a small piece of banana and medicating her by stealth - she thinks she's just getting extra treats. It was all working out well until today when I tried to mix things up and use strawberry - for some reason, "not banana" was worth some thumping and grumping.

After several unsuccessful attempts to persuade her it was something tasty, I resorted to digging the now half-dissolved tablet out of the strawberry, scooping out a piece of the banana and slotting the strawberry/medicine mix in. So she ended up with something resembling a banana donut with strawberry centre. It worked well, she scoffed it immediately, but I'm dreading tomorrow - I fully expect her to reject her morning medicated banana until I put the strawberry filling in it again.

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Friday, 14 July 2017

Sound of Snacks

"Anouska, shush, stop nomming grass for a second... Did you hear the treat bag?!"

Sunday, 9 July 2017


"Sooooooo...not under the chairs. Well is there a place in the house I CAN take a nap without you trying to photograph it?"

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Back To The 50s

I never really got on with really shallow depth of field when I first got my 50mm lens, but I've been having so much fun with it recently at 85mm I though I'd give it another go.

The main difference between the two is you need to stand closer for a similarly framed shot with the 50mm (obviously). I get the impression MrB has some feedback he wishes to share with me over that aspect.

Wednesday, 5 July 2017


The awful hot weather is back, it's so frustrating, the bunnies hate it. Once again, Anouska has melted into the carpet.

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Sun Smooched

"Right, that's me all vitamin D'ed up. Can we go back in the house and see how many vitamins I can absorb from the TV?"

Sunday, 2 July 2017

Behind Bars

Oh Anouska, you look like you have something to ask me?

" 'tis true I ponder. What crime hast thy magnificent sun committed upon thee that thou shalt seek to confine it behind bars?"

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.K. Actually it's more like "What dost thy bunnies do with their butts and teeth that thou shalt protect the windowsill from them?"

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Humans Suck

"I'm gonna use my special bunny psychic powers to deduce've come to vacuum?"