Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Meta-Painless, Meta-Yum

We are having another go at giving Anouska Metacam pain relief for a couple of weeks to see if her agility improves. She has always been a bit awkward in her movement and it has gradually gotten worse as she has aged.

Last time she had Metacam was actually to support a stasis recovery, she wasn't keen, but then it was just one of several medicines she had to endure. So while most bunnies think it is a tasty treat, I was concerned that she wouldn't take it. I needn't have worried.

"Can I get a second hit of that?"


  1. YAY! Happy to hear she was cooperative. Trying to medicate unhappy bunnies is No Fun.

    Has it helped her arthritis / old age / bowl of Rice Krispies impersonation?

    1. She does seem livelier this week, but I can’t be entirely certain. I’m not entirely comfortable with how quickly she seems to have become hooked on her twice daily dose either! A little TOO excited to see that syringe...
