Tuesday, 27 December 2016

After Clean

One thing I like about this time of year is having more time to take apart the bunnies' room and give it all a proper clean. Being shut out of your own room for half the day though, to avoid a teefs/vacuum-cord incident, is apparently even more tiring than having done the cleaning yourself - they've both been flaked out all evening!



  1. Facing the unknown is said to be very stressful and exhausting. Looks Ike you did a nice job though.

    1. Is 'the unknown' a reference to the levels of destruction I would find under their furniture?

    2. It's not bunstruction, it's ART! ;)

    3. Actually, I had what you would end up doing in mind as a stressful unknown for the bunnbunns, but they had nothing to worry about, they got your nice job. But still, how were they to know that in advance. They had to fret, but you rccked it. Anyway, every body got tired. It does make for a lovely bunny picture.

  2. Vacuum dragons need time to sleep, y'know!
