Saturday 17 February 2018

Basil Faulty

"Hmm... I'm sure I can trim a few pieces of leafy goodness off this plant without anyone noticing."


"Well that didn't go to plan."

"Oh, you're here...erm...OMB, did you see like totally just ran through here knocking things over?! And you'd totally believe he ate some of these herbs on the way past too, right?"


  1. Tate is like some of those younger Olympians. He has real gifts, but also "a ways" to go before he medals, although he already clearly has meddling down, and without a doubt he is in the not too distant future going to be able to blame a cat as well as any of the referee blames. He really is a sweetheart, and these are great pictures.

    1. Thanks! Tate is a very special bunny, weekends with him are all fun and snuggles! (Or vet trips, but you can't have everything perfect.)

  2. How strange -- a plant just leaping to it's death in front of a bunny like that! He just had a taste to make sure it was alright!

    1. Is that a thing?
      "Did you just bite my ear?"
      "You fainted, I was just tasting that you were OK..."

    2. Have to make sure the magic treat dispenser.. er, I mean, one's pet human, is okay!
