Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Our First Theme: Portrait

Let's just dive in and kick this off, shall we?

To get us started, I figure it best to pick something easy to warm up with, so I've settled on a first theme of:


If you are following along with our themes for your own 356 project it is entirely up to you how you interpret that - the orientation of the picture, your bunny as a painted portrait (through camera/app/Photoshop effects), whatever you can think of. Maybe get adventurous and try to photograph them through an empty photo frame?!

If you are completely new to this, why not try this:

  • Pick a spot near your subject with decent light. If your bunny is the stubborn type, maybe pick the spot they are sat in.
  • If you have a fancy camera, set to aperture mode and set the aperture to between F2.2 and F3.5. If you are not sure, try F2.8.
  • Take a test photo to make sure you are happy with the exposure. (Not too bright, not too dark)
  • Entice bunny over with a pellet.
  • Rest camera on floor on it's short edge to keep it steady, zoom or move camera until bunny fills about two thirds of the frame.
  • Stuff second pellet in bunny's mouf.
  • Just as the pellet disappears out of sight, take photo.

You should end up with something that looks like this (or better!):


We'll keep with the portrait theme for the next few days to keep it simple, then hopefully step it up a notch when we pick our next theme at the weekend! See you back here tomorrow for our next 'Portrait' photo!

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