Wednesday, 4 January 2017

2017 #4


  1. So Bobbit is not a bunny? Has a lackadaisical agent? "The Rabbit 365 Project" has determined that Anouska is mostly going to be "The Rabbit." I know you know that is not right.

    1. And besides, she has green stuff stuck between her teeth.

    2. R365, much like BETT, is a democratic affair where all are provided with the equal opportunity and generally only those who chose to take it appear. I've been setting up these little scenes for several days and so far MrB has treated them entirely with suspicion. Whilst Anouska doesn't exactly engage with them in the spirit in which they were intended, she does wander over and stick around just long enough to be photographed, in the brief moment before the destruction happens. In summary, whist I'd prefer equal participation, it is entirely voluntary and so far this year he hasn't volunteered!

    3. He is not blaming it on the little bunny wunnies, is he? The preskus bunny wunnies? The poifect bunny wunnies? In the US a spirit of volunteerism is secured with a t-shirt. Is there nothing with which bunny cooperation may be garnered?

    4. Little Emerson just asked, "Bummy, don't they have any bunny treats is the UK?" I assured him that they did and reminded him about the rumour that parsley was not grown in the US. He then asked me, "Why doesn't Mr. BHV offer his bunnies treats for a little help with his pictures?" I felt it was too soon to tell my baby about people who did not like to share their treats with bunnies.

    5. I shipped craisins to a friend in Cornwall. Her bunny loved them. When she realized she'd now have to forever import them, she growled at me. :D

      .. How about bananas? :)

    6. If it's just me holding a treat he'll usually come running, but anything out of the ordinary and he'll assume it's a trap. Once a routine has been established he should be ok, but at the moment even Anouska will only participate if I wave treats directly under her nose and lead her over to the area.

  2. The mystery of the disappearing parsley!
